OVIRT 4.5.0 Virtualization Infrastructure Management System Release

is presented Release ovirt 4.5.0 , based on the KVM hypervisor and libvirt library platform for deploying, maintaining and monitoring virtual machines and management of cloud infrastructure. Developed in OVIRT technology management of virtual machines are used in the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization product and can act as an open alternative to VMware vSphere. In addition to Red Hat, the company also takes part of Canonical, Cisco, IBM, Intel, NetApp and SuSE. Project code extends under the GPLv2 license. Ready-made packages available for Centos Stream 8 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 Beta. Also available ready for deploying ISO image OVIRT NODE NG, based On Centos Stream 8.

OVIRT is a stack covering all virtualization levels – from the hypervisor to the API and the GUI interface. Despite the fact that KVM is positioned as the main hypervisor in OVIRT, the interface is implemented as a superstructure over the library libvirt , which is abstracted from the type of hypervisor and is suitable for controlling Virtual machines based on various virtualization systems, including Xen and VirtualBox. The OVIRT is developing an interface for rapid mass creation of highly accessible virtual machines with support for live-migration tools between servers without stopping work.

The platform provides means to create a dynamic balancing and cluster resource management rules, cluster power management mechanisms, virtual machines management tools, components for converting and importing existing virtual machines. A single virtual data warehouse is supported available from any node. The interface contains a developed reporting system and administration tools that allow you to manage the configuration both at the infrastructure level and at the level of individual virtual machines.

The most noticeable innovations :

  • support for CentOS Stream 8 and Rhel 8.6-beta.
  • Experimental Support for Centos Stream 9.
  • updated versions of the components used, including glusterfs 10.1 , rdo OpenStack Yoga ,
    OVS 2.15 and Ansible Core 2.12.2 .
  • implemented built-in IPsec support for the OVN virtual network and the OVIRT-PROVIDER-OVN configured package.
  • Added support specification virtio 1.1 .
  • is given the ability to enable NVIDIA Unified Memory technology for virtual GPUs (MDEV VGPU).
  • Export exports to OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) using NFS.
  • in the WEB interface in the VNIC profile tab Added search function.
/Media reports.