Ukraine: In pictures, inhabitants of Boutcha bury their deaths in chain

Video While the identification of the bodies continues in Boutha, some relatives and families of victims find peace by burying those who have lost their lives during the Russian occupation.


No respite for boudcha funeral agents, Ukraine. Since the departure of the Russians, at the end of March, they dig graves in the chain.

In the city cemetery, the cavities that must accommodate the coffins follow one another. Not far from the graves, families cry their missing lovers, to whom they can finally offer a burial. Galina Bondar buried her son three days ago, but she continues to gather on her grave. “My son, Sasha, was 32 years old. He was a wonderful man, a patriot, a wonderful son. I am upset. I do not know how I will survive that,” she says.

During the Russian occupation, the inhabitants sometimes buried their loved ones in their garden. Other corpses were put in a common pit dug near the church. From now on, experts carry out research to exhume the bodies. Their objective is to determine the date and the probable cause of death and to see any acts of barbarism. These elements will feed the surveys that have been – or will be open for war crimes.

/Media reports.