Issue Kubernetes 1.24, control system control systems of isolated containers

is available the release of the container orchestration platform kubernetes 1.24 , which allows you to control the cluster from isolated containers and provides mechanisms for deploying, supporting and scaling the applications performed in containers. The project was originally created by Google, but then transferred to an independent site overshadowed by Linux Foundation. The platform is positioned as a universal solution developed by the community, not tied to individual systems and capable of working with any applications in any cloud environment. Kubernetes code is written in GO and is distributed under the license Apache 2.0. DNS, load balancing,
Distribution of containers by cluster nodes (migration of containers depending on the change in the load and needs in services), checking the performance at the application level, account management, updating and dynamic scaling of the working cluster, without stopping it. It is possible to deploy container groups with the execution of updates and canceling changes immediately for the entire group, as well as the logical breakdown of the cluster into parts with the separation of resources. There is support for dynamic migration of applications, for storage of data of which both local storage facilities and network storage systems can be used.

Key changes in the new issue:

  • Storage for monitoring the storage capacity (Storage Capace Tracking), ensuring the monitoring of free space in sections and transmitting data to the control unit to prevent the launch of PODs on the nodes that are not enough free space.
  • stabilized The possibility of expanding the sections of the vault. The user can change the size of existing sections and Kubernetes will automatically expand the section and the related file system without stopping work.
  • stopped supply runtime dockkershim, which was positioned as a temporary solution for using Docker in Kubernetes, not compatible with the standard CRI interface (Container Runtime Interface) and leading to additional complication of Kubelet. To manage isolated containers should be to use Runtime that supports the CRI interface, such as containerd and cri-o or Take advantage of CRI-DockerD , which implements the CRI interface over the API Docker Engine.
/Media reports.