Canonical introduced Steam Snap to simplify access to games in Ubuntu

Canonical told about the plans to expand ubuntu capabilities as a platform To launch game applications. It is noted that the development of the projects wine and proton , as well as the adaptation of Battleye and Easy Anti-Cheat antitheity services, already allow you to run many games in Linux, available only for Windows. After Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, the company intends to tightly engage in work on simplifying access to the games in Ubuntu and increasing the convenience of starting them. Ubuntu development as a convenient environment for launching games is classified as priority and to achieve the goal, the company intends to hire additional personnel.

The first step towards simplifying access to the games in Ubuntu was publication a preliminary version of the SNAP package with the Steam client. The package provides a ready -made environment for launching games, allowing you not to mix the dependence necessary for the game with the main system and get a pre -installed current environment that does not require additional tuning.

Features of Steam delivery in Snap format:

  • inclusion in the package of current versions of the dependencies necessary for launching games. The user does not require manual operations, installing a set of 32-bit libraries and connecting a PPA-referees with additional MESA drivers. The SNAP package is also not tied to Ubuntu and can be installed in any distribution that supports Snapd.
  • Simplification of the installation of updates and the possibility of using the latest versions of Proton, Wine and the necessary dependencies.
  • The insulation of the environment to launch games from the main system. The games performed are launched without access to the systemic environment, which creates an additional protection bastion in case of compromising games and game services.
/Media reports.