About 500 thousand lines of code related to graphic drivers are accepted in Linux 5.19 core

The repository in which the release of the Linux 5.19 nucleus is formed, accepted the next set amplifiers associated with the DRM subsystem (Direct Rendering Manager) and graphic driver). The accepted set of patches is interesting in that it includes 495 thousand lines of code, which is comparable with the total size of changes in each branch of the nucleus (for example, 506 thousand lines of code were added in the core of 5.17).

about 400 thousand added lines falls on automatically generated header files with ASIC data data in the GPU AMD driver. Another 22.5 thousand lines provide the initial implementation of support for AMD SOC21. The total size of the driver for GPU AMD exceeded 4 million lines of code (for comparison, the entire Linux 1.0 core included 176 thousand lines of code, 2.0 – 778 thousand, 2.4 – 3.4 million, 5.13 – 29.2 million). In addition to SOC21, the AMD driver includes SMU 13.x (System Management Unit), USB-C and GPUVM support were updated, and the next generations of the next generations of the RDNA3 (RX 7000) and CDNA (AMD Instinict).


In the Intel driver, the largest number of changes (5.6 thousand) is present in the code for controlling ejection. Also, the GPU Intel DG2 (ARC alchemist) identifiers used on laptops have been added to the initial support for Intel Raptor Lake-P (RPL-P), ABI for DG2 computing engines, support for TILE4 format, added information about the DG2 cards.
ARCTIC SOUND-M Graphic maps, for systems based on the Haswell microarchitecture, support is supported by DisplayPort HDR.

/Media reports.