Issue Electron 19.0.0, platforms for creating applications based on Chromium engine

prepared the release of the platform elementron 19.0.0 , which provides self -sufficient framework for the development of multi -platform user applications that uses the components of Chromium, V8 and Node.js. A significant change in the version number is associated with the update to the code base Chromium 102, the Node.js 16.14.2 and JavaScript-engine v8 10.2 .

in Among means for the organization of automatic delivery and installation of updates (updates can be delivered from a separate server and so and directly with github).

From the programs built on the basis of the Electron platform, you can note the editor atom , the mail client Mailspring , tools for working with Git gitkraken , the WordPress Desktop blogs system, Bittorrent client webtorrent desktop , as well as official customers for services such as Skype, Signpe, Slack, BaseCamp, Twitch, Ghost, Wrike, Visual Studio Code and Discord. In total, in the Electron Catalog presented

/Media reports.