First version of P2P mixer Communist was released

published The first version of the P2P mixer Communist . The source code is written in the C ++ programming language and distributes ( github , gitflic) under the GPLV3 license. The graphic interface is built on the GTK 4 library. Work in Linux and Windows operating systems is supported.

Communist can transmit simple text messages, as well as files of any format and size. Transmission is carried out via the Internet or on local networks. To install the communication between users, a combination of a distributed hash table is used (the DHT option is used for torrent clients) and the udp hole punch > (for interaction with hosts for address translators). IPV4 and IPV6 protocols are supported. All data is stored on a user machine in encrypted form and also transmitted encrypted. For encryption, Aes standard and digital signature diagram Ed25519 are used.

In the future, the author plans to add the possibility of transmitting other types of messages (audio and video messages), as well as implement the possibility of making direct audio and video calls in the device-device. The immediate plans are stated the addition of the functionality of the Stun server, to turn the overlaine network of the program into a completely autonomous.

/Media reports.