Adrien Quatnens: “Fabien Roussel’s voices misconduct” to Jean-Luc Mélenchon

“He missed 500,000 votes” to Jean-Luc Mélenchon for marine Le Pen and access the second round, “that is to say three times nothing,” LFI deputies, Monday morning, on France Inter.

Le Monde

If Jean-Luc Mélenchon finishes third with 21.95% of the votes and misses the second round, the member for France Insouchaise Adrien Quatnens believes who is the fault. The communist candidate has a great deal of responsibility in this failure, according to the LFI deputy. Unlike 2012 and 2017, where the Communist Party ran behind Mr. Mélenchon’s candidacy, Fabien Roussel decided to make Cavalier alone for 2022. Result? This one finally gathered 2.31% of the votes.

“We thought it”

“He missed 500 000 voices” to start Marine Le Pen and access the second round, began by deploring Mr. Quatnens, judging that “that is to say three times nothing. It’s a few voices By polling station “. “The hard hair that is missing to Jean-Luc Mélenchon to be in the second round, we can name it. Yes, Fabien Roussel’s voices have missed, undeniably”, then criticized the close to Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Visibly moved, he nevertheless greeted “a start of mobilization” of voters in favor of his candidate in the last hours of the vote. “There are women, men, who did not plan to vote, who moved yesterday. There was a start of mobilization that made the last 18% survey at a 22% score. “He said about France Inter.

“We believed, but we only understood in the middle of the night that we would not be able to catch up,” said the hon. Member again.

“The extreme right. is not an option “

questioned about the second round opposing the outgoing President Emmanuel Macron to the Far Right Candidate Marine Le Pen, Adrien Quatnens repeated that “the extreme right vote is not an option, the people have Nothing to win with a victory of Marine Le Pen “. “For the rest, the total responsibility of what will happen in the second round the main protagonist, Emmanuel Macron”, he again said, criticizing “brutal policy”.

“The voting instructions, today, could have a counterproductive effect (…). We led the fight against the national gathering. But I did not see that Emmanuel Macron did the same thing Because it dreamed of a remake of 2017, “he hammered.

LFI wants” impose cohabitation “

Also, Adrien Quatnens hopes that France unsuitably would be able to “impose cohabitation” in Emmanuel Macron during the legislative legislative in June. “When we see the configuration yesterday, it will be the legislative elections to do what is necessary because Emmanuel Macron may not have a majority in the Assembly,” he said on France Inter, Monday morning , in allusion to the result of his candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round.

“It may be a cohabitation,” added the Northern Member. “If all of those who voted Mélenchon yesterday renew their vote to the legislative, we are able to impose a majority,” he said.

/Media reports.