Mozilla is developing a telemetry transmission mechanism by advertising networks providing confidentiality

Mozilla together with Facebook works Over the implementation of technology ipa (Interoperable Private Attribution), which gives advertising networks to receive and process the statistics on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, while observing confidentiality users. For statistics processing without disclosing data on specific users, cryptographic mechanisms are used Differential privacy and multilateral confidential computing (MPC, Multi-Party Computation), allowing multiple independent participants to calculate not receiving information about other data (Web sites, browsers and advertisers separately do not have access to all information) and performing operations on encrypted data.

IPA enters the concept of the mapping key (Match Key) generated in binding to the user, but affordable only to record. In the reference to this key, the source (Source) and the final (target) events are generated, information about which is transmitted in an encrypted form by third-party arbitrators servers that are not related to advertising networks and which the user or browser trusts. These servers allow advertising networks and advertisers to form a request that disrupting aggregated statistics connecting the original and final events on different sites.

Developers are provided by APIs, including three basic functions – the assignment of the match key (Navigator.SetMatchKey), the generation of the source event (Navigator.generateSourceEvent) and the generation of the final event (navigator.generatetriggerevent). Under the source events (Source), such actions are understood as an advertising display and user click on advertising. The final events (target) characterize the actions performed on another site after the user responding to advertising, such as buying goods, registration and download of the application.

/Media reports.