Liberal philosopher Gaspard Koenig candidate for presidential election

The 39-year-old man wants to embark on the Elysee race with aim to reduce “by 100 the number of standards”, which he presents as “a bureaucratic prison”.

Le Monde with AFP

He wants to “simplify” the life of the French and declares himself a candidate for the presidential election. The Liberal Philosopher Gaspard Koenig announced, Tuesday, January 11, his decision to embark on the Elysée race with the objective of reducing “by 100 the number of standards”, which he presents as “a bureaucratic prison”.

“I decided to introduce myself to the presidential election,” he said in “the four truths”, political maintenance of the morning show of France 2, “Telematin”. Asked by the Journalist Caroline Roux on his motivations, Gaspard Koenig spoke of his Tour de France on horseback, in 2020, during which he found that “people suffer from paperwork problems, administrative problems”.

“I traveled France for 2 years and I realized that everyone was suffering from the bureaucracy and aujou …

– caroline_roux (@caroline roux)

“These are often tragic-dramatic things that prevent them from living their lives, to do their job,” he said to justify his candidacy, believing that no candidate defended this “simplification” of the bureaucracy. This “normative madness”, whose “administrative simplification”, will constitute the heart of its campaign, conducted under the label of its political movement, “ Simple “, founded in May 2021.

“The goal today is to restore freedom, responsibility, autonomy for people to make their decision,” said the 39-year-old candidate, who recalled having traveled the Country in 2020 lodging “every night or almost home”.

Support from Emmanuel Macron in 2017

“This reflects a society that is extremely clenched, which produces the standard with outrage. We are more and more taken in this real bureaucratic prison,” denounced the philosopher. “President of the Republic, it does not make me dream. I do not answer everything, I’m not a Savior,” he recognized. He wants to brigpe the job, because “simplification is the mother of the battles,” he supported.

m. Koenig acknowledged that it voted Emmanuel Macron at the last presidential election, which he had supported through a forum in [Nime] in March 2017. “But in this great political space of the center in which I recognize myself, he took a Extremely authoritarian attitude, he ruled from above, he has refocused, “he lamented. The Liberal philosopher has therefore announced his will to “take his pilgrim’s staff” to go to the elected 500 sponsorships required to become officially candidate.

/Media reports.