Vaccinal pass: Senate refuses identity verification by cafeters and restaurateurs

MEPs will be able to restore this controversial arrangement in the rest of the parliamentary shuttle.

Le Monde with AFP

The Senate dominated by the right opposition removed, in the night of Tuesday 11 to Wednesday, January 12, when reviewing the bill transforming the vaccineal passage, the possibility for the managers of the places and activities submitted to the pass, to verify the identity of its holder.

MEPs will be able to restore this controversial arrangement in the rest of the parliamentary shuttle.

Despite an “unfavorable” opinion of the Secretary of State Alain Taquet, the Senate adopted by 303 votes to 37, a series of 10 of the identical amendments carried by the left elected officials as a right deletering purely and simply a measure. Who had been welcomed freshly by bodies of bars, cafes and restaurants.

The text voted by the National Assembly at first reading provided that in addition to the police, the managers of the places and activities submitted to the pass could carry out identity checks, but under very framed conditions. It was to allow them to request a “official identity document”, “when there are serious reasons for thinking that the document presented is not genuine or is not related to the present person”.

“The disadvantages seem to prevail on the benefits”

In committee, senators had maintained the measure, but on “lightened modalities”. In the hemicycle, the Philippe Bas rapporteur (the Republicans, LR) donated the wisdom of the Senate, judging that “the disadvantages seem to prevail over the benefits”, namely the fight against fraud.

Marta de Cidrac (LR) argued that it might “reinforce the feeling of distrust of the French” and called for leaving these control tasks to the security forces “of which it is the profession “.

Gay Fabien (Communist, Republican, Citizen and Ecologist, CRCE, Community Community) said his opposition to “a society where everyone controls everyone”.

The Socialist Jean-Pierre Sueur has raised a “constitutional” risk, while the Guy Benarrohe ecologist believed that this provision could “lead to phenomena of violence, disorders of public order and incivility”.

The Senate will resume Wednesday afternoon the review of the bill. 104 Amendments remain to be examined, including nearly 50 on Article 1 er Processing the transformation of the vaccineal pass.

/Media reports.