Tokayev announced a terrorist war unleashed against Kazakhstan

President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev said that a terrorist war was unleashed against the country. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

The enemy showed extreme cruelty and willingness to go to any steps. He sowed fear among the population to suppress even the thought of resistance, “said the head of state. He noted that “the plan of attack on Kazakhstan included a number of different aspects: military, political, ideological, disinformation and other.”

Earlier, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev signed a decree on the appointment of a new prime minister of the country, they were temporarily acting by the head of the Cabinet of Ministers Alikhan Smileyl.

According to the statement of the authorities of Kazakhstan, the situation in the country as a whole is stabilized, the sharp destructive manifestations is not fixed. For violation of the state of emergency to administrative responsibility, 2161 persons were attracted. In total, on the facts of murder, the use of violence against government officials, hooliganism, 388 criminal cases were initiated on the buildings of government agencies.

January 2, protests began in Kazakhstan due to the increase in gas prices for cars from 60 to 120 tenge (from 10 to 20 rubles) per liter. Soon the protesters began to demand the resignation of the government, holding new elections, consideration of the issue of the lustration of people from the “clan” of the ex-President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Mirny protest overshadow in the seizure of government buildings and looting, during the riots, dozens died and hundreds of people were injured.

/Media reports.