Senior Protocol at School: 19 Changes to Rules in less than two years

In one chart – View the evolution of the rules of organization, class closing and detection of the contacts of this coronavirus in schools.


The last health protocol, announced in the press a few hours before the start of the 3rd of January and modified twice since, is part of the triggers of the strike massively followed Thursday, January 13 in the National Education to protest against the management of The Government’s Covid-19 epidemic.

Since the beginning of the crisis, the health protocol applied in primary and secondary schools is constantly evolving depending on the level of circulation of the virus, scientific knowledge and reactions of the teaching world as well as parents of ‘students. “}, Open: Function (Event, UI) {/ * Allows you to close the tooltip by tapping on itself in mobile * / var elem = $ (; ui.tooltip. Click (Function () {elem.tooltip (‘Close’);});}}); $ (“# Infographic A”). Click (Function (Event) {Event.stopimmediatePropagation ()});

In early January, the protocol has been amended three times in less than a dozen days, to change the students screening rules case contacts at school. Find in the spreadsheet below all successive evolutions since May 2020.

/Media reports.