Boris Johnson caught in violation of self-insulation after contamination Covid-19

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson violated self-isolation rules when he manifested itself the first symptoms of coronavirus. This policy caught the newspaper Times.

According to the publication, the head of the British government was a strong cough, but he continues to hold working meetings. “He said that he was” strong as a bull, “and hit himself in the chest. He was told that he could have COVID-19, but he rejected it,” said the source of the newspaper.

It is noted that the symptoms of COVID-19 infection have manifested themselves from Johnson on March 27, 2020, and he went to the regime of self-insulation only in a week. Times writes that the employees of the Cabinet repeatedly expressed politics concerns due to his state of health, but he ignored them.

Previously, Johnson tried to justify participation in parties organized in the garden of his London Residence, during a coronavirus locked. “No one warned me that it was against the rules, I would remember it,” the politician said. At the same time, the former assistant of the head of the government, Dominic Cummings, caught him in a lie.

/Media reports.