Doctors warned Russians from deliberate infection by Omicron-strain

Surgeon-otolaryngologist from Melbourne Eric Levi warned from deliberate infection of Omicron strain in the hope of obtaining protection from subsequent options. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

According to the doctor, the transferred disease gives a person no more than four weeks of immunity.

“Don’t even try to deliberately infected by Omicron. After all, you do not know whether your immune system will be ready to take a blow. For many, the disease proceeds extremely difficult,” the Medic warned.

He stressed that vaccination remains the most reliable protection against coronavirus.

Earlier, the Russian professor, the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Ivanovo Medical Education Svetlana Orlova, has associated vaccination rates with coronavirus mutations. According to her, at the present moment, COVID-19 vaccination in the country is slow, which allows coronavirus to mutate.

/Media reports.