Australia has to solve problems at expense of tourists

Australia’s authorities in attempts to solve problems with the workforce turned to tourists, thinking with their help to overcome the lack of personnel, writes Reuters. Certain difficulties through visitors in the country want against the background of the outbreak of a new strain of coronavirus.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison stated that the government cancels a fee for registration of a visa for tourists arriving in Australia over the next 12 weeks as well as for students. He encouraged them to assist the country during the trip.

“Travel around the country and at the same time work with us and help us in the agricultural sector, the sector of hospitality and in many areas of the economy, which depend on the workforce,” said Morrison. The prime minister made a statement as the US Center for Control and Disease Prevention (CDC) recommended not to travel to Australia against the background of a disadvantaged epidemiological situation.

Australian companies face a lack of labor due to the fact that employees are ill or go to isolation due to contact with the sick. As a result, there were problems with deliveries in the country, which forced large stores to introduce restrictions on the purchase of essential goods. The problem beats and on the prospects of economic recovery.

At the beginning of the year, Morrison faced criticism due to the fact that he could not cope with the outbreak of Oomikron – a record number of people got into the country. Also, the Prime Minister is criticized due to the lack of express tests on antibodies at home. At the same time, Morrison stated that tests in shortage worldwide.

The rapid increase in the number of hospitalization has pressure on the health care system of Australia. Over the past two weeks, 1.3 million cases of infection were revealed, despite the fact that over the entire pandemic period in the country recorded 1.6 million cases. The increase in the number of ill cronavirus in Australia began in December. On January 13, a record number of infected – more than 128 thousand.

/Media reports.