Sber began to conduct PCR testing of employees to “Omicron”

Sber one of the first entered PCR testing, which defines not only the presence of COVID, but also the type of media. The first test results showed that the omicron strain is revealed on average in 80 percent of positive PCR tests. In this regard, the Sber enhances security measures for employees in the office, in particular, despite the high level of collective immunity of the team (95 percent), the Moscow region introduces mandatory PCR testing at least once every seven days, regardless of availability of vaccination.

Also in connection with a large share of the incidence of “Omicron” and with its high contagiousness, Sber considers the decision to send a larger number of employees to the remote operation.

“Strengthening a set of protective measures – forced need. Permanent health control team of the Sack allows you to quickly identify the foci of the appearance of COVID-19 and reduce the likelihood of infection spread,” said the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Stanislav Kuznetsov.

/Media reports.