United States urged Iran more seriously to negotiate CRPD

The United States is waiting for Iran to be more serious to negotiate the restoration of a joint comprehensive action plan (UNDPD), said the official representative of the State Department week. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

“was modest progress last week, we expect to strengthen it on this,” he said. According to him, in the interests of the United States, it remains to achieve a joint return to UNDPD. However, this is unlikely to happen if Iran continues steps to develop its atomic program, he added. The price stressed that the situation remains ambiguous.

December 15, Iran stated that he would return to CCPD only if the United States completely cancel all sanctions against Tehran and will not come out again from the joint comprehensive action plan (UNDPD) on the Iranian nuclear program. In the US, in responses, they said they were ready to remove sanctions from Iran, but only those that contradict UNFF.

/Media reports.