Began phone conversation Putin and Biden

Telephone conversation of Russian presidents Vladimir Putin and the USA Joe Bayden began, reports TASS with reference to the representative of the White House.

“President Bayden’s telephone conversation with President Putin began at 15:35 by the time of the east coast of the United States (23:35 Moscow time, – approx.” “,” said the press pool of the White House.

Previously, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov said that the theme of the telephone conversation of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the leader of the United States Joe Bayden will be the questions of the January security guarantees. The sands told that the scheduled for the evening of Thursday, December 30, the conversation would be a continuation of the previously held between the presidents of the video link.

As for the late call time, which is scheduled for 23:30, the sands notes that it is caused by the time difference.

/Media reports.