World predicted growth of inequality

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (MBRR), which is part of the World Bank’s structure, warned the world about growing inequality around the world and strengthening the division of countries on poor and rich because of the coronavirus pandemic. Excerpts from the organization’s review leads “Kommersant”.

The authors analyzed the anti-crisis budgetary measures taken by the authorities of different countries around the world – just about four thousand, and predicted that the effectiveness of their implementation directly depends on the level of development of the national economy.

There are also the costs of different countries on anti-crisis measures. So, in developed states, they amounted to about 20 percent of GDP, while in countries with developing economies and middle income, their share on average equals 5.9 percent of GDP, in the poorest – 3.4 percent.

According to the authors, the ill-impact and inefficiency of measures in individual countries faces the growth of the bundle of states on the poor and the rich and exacerbation of the current situation with inequality. Thus, the most affected by the Pandemic of the country of Africa and the Middle East may face poverty due to the inefficient use of resources allocated by governments and international organizations.

Efficiently, according to IBRD, anti-crisis measures are implemented in North America, Europe and Central Asia. There they have better reach the addressees and are protected from abuse by all participants in the process. At the same time, the lowest target of anti-crisis tools in North Africa and the Middle East.

Also, rich and developed countries turned out to be leaders in the number of “reversible” implemented assistance programs. So called programs that can be minimized without tangling negative impact on the national economy. In the most developed countries, the share of such programs is about 85 percent, in the poor – about 76-77 percent.

/Media reports.