Economist declared reasons for growth of inflation and ways to stop

Financial analyst and Associate Professor of Economic Sciences Rowhighs Nikolai Kulbak called in a conversation with “” causes of inflation in Russia and spoke about the possible ways to stop.

Earlier, the chief economist of the World Bank in Russia David Knight revealed four types of risks for the Russian economy, among which the high risk of an unexpected surge of inflation next year.

Inflation problem The economist considers, above all, the problem of monopolizing the Russian economy and its nationalization. “The economy of Russia, in principle, is significantly less effective than the economies of neighboring countries, the European, American economy, naturally, the lower the productivity of labor, the level of inflation will be more inflation. The second problem is that the Russian economy is trying with all his might. Close from the global economy, and the stronger it will be closed, the more it will experience problems with inflation, because the lack of imported goods will lead to the fact that domestic manufacturers will raise prices. This is an inevitable process, “said Kulbak.

According to economist, it is necessary to fight inflation through the maximum openness of our economy, as well as economic freedom. “The smaller the country is economic freedom, the more inflation will be inflation. Economic freedom is the possibility of opening your own business, without fearing that someone will pick it up or you will not give investments. The more there will be a different offer on the market, the more Below will be prices. If the state is struggling with the business, there will be less suggestions on the market and will be higher, “he explained.

/Media reports.