Main infectiousness of United States appreciated chances of spreading a new strain COVID-19

The strain of Coronavirus Omicron, first identified in South Africa, will inevitably spread throughout. Such a professional opinion expressed the main infectious doctor, head of the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases of the US Anthony Fauci in an interview with NBC.

“We have not yet found it, but when you have a virus with such a transfer level, and there are cases related to trips that have already been found in other places. When we face such a virus, almost without options that distribution will be widespread “, I appreciated the Fauci chances of spreading the virus.

Infectiousist noted that the high infinity of the new strain explains the speed of the introduction of restrictive measures by the US President Joe Biden, which on November 26 banned the flights to eight African countries. The probability of distribution is of particular concern due to the approach of New Year’s holidays, due to which the frequency of travel is usually higher. Faucci also appealed to all Americans with the words about the importance of vaccination in the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I don’t want to scare the Americans, but when something happens to something seriously – you perceive it seriously and do everything in your power to resist this. To be vaccinated is always better than not to be vaccinated.” , – Fauchi reminded.

Earlier in South Africa, they declared that they would share the samples of the new strain of coronavirus with all countries of the world. State departments responsible for biological safety will receive an omicron strain on request.

/Media reports.