Sudan: UN Secretary-General calls protesters to accept transition

Antonio Gutteres estimated that the return of Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok was “an important victory”. Thousands of Sudanese demand the transfer of power to civilians.

Le Monde with AFP

The Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN), Antonio Guterres, called, Wednesday 1 December, “to the common sense” the Sudanese people and people who continue to demonstrate against the military To guarantee a peaceful transition “to a real democracy in Sudan”.

 Thousands of Sudanese have shown against the military on November 30, 2021, in Khartoum .

“I understand this reaction of people who say” We do not want any solution with the military “” but “for me, it’s an important victory to see that the Prime Minister was released and reinstated in his position, “said UN chief at a press point.

Abdallah Hamdok, Head of the Government, put away after the military coup in Sudan, was reinstated in his duties on 21 November, by virtue of an agreement concluded with the strong man of the country, General Abdel Fattah Al-Bourhane.

“Support the Prime Minister”

The United States, the United Kingdom, Norway and the European Union (EU) welcomed this return of Abdallah Hamdok and the promises of the signatories to return to the constitutional document signed in August 2019 which had given the shot sending to the civil-military partnership after the fall of President Omar Al-Bachir.

“Case this solution” Actée by the military in power and the prime minister, “even if I understand the indignation of people, would be very dangerous for Sudan,” said Antonio Guterres. “My call to the different forces and the Sudanese people is to support the Prime Minister [Abdallah] Hamdok in the next steps for a peaceful transition to a real democracy in Sudan,” he also insisted.
The day before, the Sudanese security forces fired at Khartoum from the tearful grenades over thousands of protesters again claiming a transfer to the civilians of the power currently dominated by the military.

From the Putsch of October 25, the repression of anti-coupter demonstrations made 43 dead and hundreds of wounded according to a union of Prémarocracy doctors.

/Media reports.