Airbnb adverts to 93 million euros of tourist tax in French municipalities

The platform does not publish the number of housings offered in the hex nor what the rentals have reported to the guests.

Le Monde with AFP

More than 9.4 million euros donated in Paris, 1.9 million in Marseille, 1.2 million in Nice and 1 million in Cannes … The Airbnb tourist rental platform says he donated 93 million euros of tourist tax in French municipalities in 2021, does it detail in a communiqué , Monday, December 13th. In 2019, she had donated 58 million euros. The company did not disclose this amount for the year 2020, where its income had fallen because of the sanitary crisis.
On some 29,000 municipalities that have received the rental tax by Airbnb, those with less than 3,500 residents have shared 27 million euros, or 29% of the total. These data relate to the period from 1 to October 31, 2021, specifies the platform, which realizes in France its second best turnover (after the United States).
In questioning by the France-Press agency (AFP), it invoked its status as a publicly traded company to no longer publish the number of housing proposed in the hex and clarify what the rentals reported to the guests.

Holding, like all platforms since 2019, to transmit to the communes of the data on these stays (number of travelers, duration and amount of reservations, price of the night, addresses of rented goods …), Airbnb will provide in December The data from May to October 2021. Communities set the level of the tourist tax – between 1% and 5% of the price of accommodation except per night per person – and a number of them have Recorded this year.

pressure from big cities

They can perceive up to 4.10 euros the night, that is, the price of palaces, on these rentals, since the legislator allowed it in November 2020. The National Union for the Promotion of vacation rental (UNPLV), which represents the platforms (Airbnb, Abritel, TripAdvisor, Leboncoin …), had stated that it was an “unfair decision”. In parallel, seventeen cities – including Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Aix-en-Provence, Saint-Malo or Annecy – have set up a mandatory registration number to better control these rentals. “The complete application” of this measure was postponed to February 2022 in Marseille, due to “difficulties” of “certain hosts” to “create their user account on the city’s website,” says Airbnb.

Idem in Nice, where the system “raises serious legal problems”, according to the platform, “municipal agents surprising on hosts before issuing the registration number” instead of providing it automatically.

At the tax level, Airbnb France paid 204,662 euros from tax on companies for 2020, compared with 193,398 euros for 2019: only marketing services billed by Airbnb Ireland to its French subsidiary – very marginal compared to The overall activity of the platform in the hexagon – are imposed. The revenue generated by the rental of tourist accommodation in France go to Airbnb Ireland and are subject to Irish taxation, much more favorable, but Airbnb specifies to settle in France the “VAT” and “the tax on digital services”.

/Media reports.