Presidential Election 2022: Valérie Pécresse is working to put LR in order of battle

The party candidate The Republicans must express himself, Saturday, December 11, before the executives and parliamentarians of the movement, gathered at the mutuality, in Paris.


Let’s go. A week after his designation by the party activists The Republicans (LR), on December 4, Valérie Pécresse had to speak Saturday, December 11 before the executives and parliamentarians of the movement, gathered at the mutuality, in Paris.

The candidate who had to give up a great meeting in front of 5,000 people, because of COVID-19, maintained this first speech to reduced and partisan assistance, in order to put the “energized” training and officially launch his campaign. “The party must be the pivot,” says the director of his communication, Geoffroy Didier, who promises a speech of “mobilization” to “launch the machine”.

That’s why Valérie Pécresse has been working since his inauguration: put his campaign into a start order and define his strategy. The candidate, who placed this week under the sign of the “gathering”, was to meet his four defeated rivals, which she wishes to associate closely. Xavier Bertrand, which she joined Friday in the Hauts-de-France, Eric Ciotti, Michel Barnier and Philippe Juvin, should have a role of political advice with her, the instance remaining to be defined. She will find them every four of December 14 around a lunch, which will be associated with the President (LR) of the Senate Gérard Larcher and that of the party, Christian Jacob.

The Strategic Committee of LR, which gathers every twenty tarnors at the headquarters of the movement, will also be closely associated with the campaign. “Even Ségolène Royal acknowledged the panache of the men of our political family who all agreed to get behind my candidacy”, which had not been the case of the socialist candidate in 2007, launched Valérie Pécresse on December 7th before Parliamentarians LR.

“It’s a lot better than five years ago”

For his part, his campaign director, Patrick Stefanini, is immersed in the constitution of the organization chart, while actively seeking a QG. The former prefect proposed to the Campaign Directors of the LR Congress losers to join the team, supposed to be “the mirror of the gathering around the candidate”, he explains to the world. Senator Alexandra Borchio-FonTimp, Eric Ciotti’s right arms In recent weeks, is president to become a delegated director of the campaign. A gesture towards the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, to whom Pécresse promised a “singular place”.

Patrick Stefanini, who enjoys a flattering reputation of “King’s maker” from the victorious campaign of Jacques Chirac in 1995, is also used to constitute a team – joint – spokesperson, picking up in the living Losers of the Congress. Cautionary and meticulous, it takes its time to stall the device, that it should not reveal before next week. François Fillon’s former campaign manager does not want to make the same mistakes in 2017: in the wake of primary victory, the former prime minister and his right arm had set up a real Mexican army but this Forced gathering process had made many disappointed, bitterness then disseminating as a slow poison, from the outset the campaign. “I want a team where everyone will find his place for an enthusiastic campaign,” said Valérie Pécresse to the author of his.

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/Media reports.