Law “Grand Age”: History of a unrestricted promise

Emmanuel Macron had made a commitment to completing a social project on the outset. While his five-year old ends, this site disappeared from the presidential agenda.


“We are in the process of not building a real public service of autonomy for our elders,” welcomed Emmanuel Macron, during his televised speech on 9 November. By punting his assessment, the Head of State was tacitly exempted from his promise to bring a “dependence”, commitment made in June 2018, reaffirmed at the end of 2020 and forgotten since. The QuinQennate ends and the “social marker” that Edouard Philippe, in June 2019, “perhaps one of the most important”, had insisted the head of the government at the time, disappeared from the presidential agenda .

This renunciation was not written in advance. “The project was successful, even very successful,” attests one of the workers’ dowels of a bill that has been the subject of many interdepartmental meetings in recent months. Matignon had validated some of the copy. Until the end, the ministries of health and autonomy nourished the hope that Emmanuel Macron would revive this legislative site during its intervention of July 12th.

The arguments have not failed to justify the transition to the project’s hatch: the health crisis, the saturated parliamentary schedule … but for some, the procrastination of the executive is what inevitably resulted in the enlightening of the law. “Macron has been convinced for years that pension reform have been bledged and law. It does not tell it,” says a close to the head of state.

Three advances

In order for the absence of law can not be assimilated to a deficiency of reforms, the Minister delegated to autonomy, Brigitte Bourguignon, has chosen a fallback solution. The Social Security Financing Bill (PLFSS) for 2022, definitively adopted Monday, November 29, includes part of the measures initially planned in the ad hoc bill. “I fought for concrete measures that apply from 2022 and others who will be perennial until 2025 are voted in the PLFSS, explains M me Bourguignon. I fought well , so that there is the money we were asked. “

In this way, the government has spared a trial in inaction on the part of the profession. Prior to the PLFSS 2022 vote, three advances had been kept by the sector: the wage upgrades of the staff of the hosting institutions for the elderly dependent (EHPAD) under the Ségur agreements of July 2020; Increasing remuneration of some 210,000 home support in the associative sector and an investment plan of 2.1 billion euros by 2025 for the renovation and equipment and digital equipment of public EHPADs and associative.

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/Media reports.