Biden and Trudo stated their main overall task

US President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudou called their main overall task on the results of the meeting in Washington. This is reported by TASS with reference to a common statement.

“The main priority of the prime minister and the president remains the end of the COVID-19 pandemic and improving the health of health care,” the leaders emphasized, adding that they will continue to fulfill the obligations to vaccinate the population of the world and providing financial assistance to poor countries to restore economics From the consequences of coronavirus.

Biden and the Trutho discussed the themes of US and Canada’s economic cooperation, climate change, the struggle for human rights. Also discussed coordination of exploration efforts within Five Eyes, which includes Canadian, Australian, American, New Zelaan and British intelligence services. The heads of state reviewed the relationship with China, Afghanistan and what is happening in the Asia-Pacific region.

Earlier Biden, opening the summit of the leaders of North America’s leaders in the White House, called on Canada and Mexico together with the United States to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and the consequences of the migration and climate crisis.

The summit of state leaders was held for the first time since 2016. Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudo arrived at him and President Mexico Andres Manuel Lopez Ordor.

/Media reports.