A new way to combat diabetes

The international team of researchers has found confirmation of the hypothesis that blood pressure decreasing drugs reduce the risk of developing a second type diabetes by 16 percent. Deeds to a new way to combat diabetes. Article of scientists was published in the magazine The Lancet.

Researchers from Australia, Great Britain, USA, Sweden and France analyzed data on health more than 145 thousand clinical studies for five years. They found out that the decrease in blood pressure on five millimeters of the mercury post is associated with a decrease in the risk of developing a second type diabetes by 11 percent.

Then scientists analyzed the data of 22 clinical studies of the effectiveness of five different types of drugs from hypertension. The greatest protective effect was found in inhibitors of angiotensin surgery enzyme (ACE) and angiotensin II receptor blockers (s). Both of these types of drugs reduced the risk of the development of the diabetes of the second type by 16 percent.

“Our study clearly indicates that the appointment of widespread and massive available ACE inhibitors and high risk patients can reduce the growing burden of diabetes of the second type,” said the lead author of the work, Professor of Oxford University of Case Rahimi (Kazem Rahimi) .

At the same time, for the other types of drugs against hypertension, there was no detected. Calcium antagonists did not have any significant effect, and the use of beta adrenoblockers and thiazide diuretics even increased the risk of diabetes.

/Media reports.