Update Tor Browser 11.0.1 with integration of Blockchair service

available new browser tor Browser 11.0.1 . The browser focuses on providing anonymity, safety and privacy, all traffic is redirected only through the TOR network. To contact directly through the regular network connection of the current system is not possible that it does not allow to track the real IP of the user (in the case of a burglary of the browser, the attackers can access the system parameters of the network, so products such as WHONIX should be used to fully block possible leaks. Build Tor Browser Prepared for Linux, Windows and MacOS.

In a new release, the number of search engines has added Service blockchair , allowing you to search for 17 blockchas of popular cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, EtheroM, Dogecoin, Litecoin, MoneRo, etc.). For example, the user can now type the number of cryptococheries or transactions in the address bar, select BLOCKCHAIR and get detailed information about the status of the wallet and associated operations. In addition to supporting the Blockchair in the new version, also is disabled Recommendations Firefox

/Media reports.