A new goal for vaccines from COVID-19

The purpose of new vaccines against coronavirus infection should be replicative SARS-COV-2 proteins. Such a conclusion came researchers from the UK, whose article was published in the Nature magazine. In their opinion, the Vaccines activating the T cells will be able to fight not only with COVID-19, but also with all kinds of coronavirus infections.

Put this assumption of specialists from the University College of London who has encountered the study of them of an immune response from medical professionals in the capital of Great Britain during the first Pandemic wave. In some, despite the high risk of infection, PCR tests did not find SARS-COV-2. At the same time, such people have determined an increase in blood content of T cells. Probably, these people were still infected with coronavirus, but already had T-cells specific to SARS-COV-2.

Researchers suggested that these T cells are not aimed at those parts of the virus against which modern vaccines act, but to the replication and transcriptional complex (RTC) proteins, an extremely conservative plot required by SARS-COV-2 in the earliest stages of the cycle reproduction. Scientists compared T-cell response from this group with those medical workers who have been confirmed by COVID-19. The hypothesis of researchers was confirmed: in disgraced people, T-cell response was stronger and headed against replicative proteins.

“The regions of the virus, which recognize these T cells, is extremely conservative and among other members of the Coronavirus family, including those that cause colds every year,” says one of the researchers Leo Svadling. According to researchers, their discovery can lead to the creation of a single vaccine from coronaviruses.

/Media reports.