Pedocinality in Church: time of decisions for bishops

The bishops of France, gathered in Lourdes for their plenary assembly, should adopt Monday a scheme for recognizing and repairing the victims. An independent body, funded by an endowment, should be responsible for collecting their requests.


A collective of victims of sexual violence in the Catholic Church took for the name “speaking to acts”. It is also the challenge of bishops, gathered in Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées) for their plenary assembly devoted largely largely to the report of the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church (CIASE). Monday, November 8, at the end of a week of work, they will vote on several resolutions whose associations, like many Catholics, are waiting for them to begin to implement the forty-five recommendations of the report of the Commission chaired by Jean- Marc saved. And that they translate into action the institutional responsibility of the Church in these violence, which they have recognized a large majority on Friday.

This first vote paves the way for the reconnaissance and repair system urgently await victims. It should be put to the vote, and probably adopted, Monday morning. In broad lines, he would have two elements. The first is a national independent body that would be responsible for collecting the demands of persons who are victims, including those for which the facts are prescribed or the aggressor is dead, and to treat them in a personalized way. Bishops still need to specify whether the victims of non-prescribed facts will have access to them.

A endowment fund

/Media reports.