Calculate SCRATCH Server is included in registry

Calculate Scratch Server , the editorial office of the Calculate Linux distribution for server systems is included in the domestic software registry. The incoming registry is officially recognized as manufactured in the Russian Federation and refers to the category of priority products, which are progressing within the legislation prohibiting the state procurement of foreign software in the presence of Russian analogues.

Distribution Developed by the company LLC” Mir Kalkleit “based on Gentoo Linux , it has a simplified installation and does not require Compile components. Editorial Calculate SCRATCH Server is provided free and includes the required minimum for the server assembly: Drivers and utilities, libraries, the source code of the Linux kernel and portage package manager.

  • Features
    • Live CD contains an exact copy of the installation image.
    • includes the Calculate utilities for configuring, assembling and installing the system.
    • supports amending the distribution room with subsequent creation of an ISO image.
    • can be installed on USB Flash or USB-HDD with Ext4, Ext3, Ext2, ReiserFS, BTRFS, EXT2, ReiserFS, BTRFS, XFS, JFS or FAT32.
    • Full compatibility with Gentoo.


    • Maximum system optimization for hardware requirements and libraries used.
    • Fast installation with one command.
    • Required Library, Drivers and Utilities.
    • Simple update through the repository Portage.
  • /Media reports.