Doctors identified a rare lung cancer symptom

is known when constant pain in the heel turned out to be the only symptom of lung cancer. This was announced by the National Medical System of Great Britain (NHS), Daily Express reports.

We are talking about a 47-year-old patient from Singapore. In March of this year, he discovered a blood clot formed due to onco-scabing and migrated to the lower limb. In addition to the sick feet, the man did not suffer from symptoms, more characteristic of lung cancer: pain, cough, shortness of breath, hemoptia and inexplicable fatigue.

Despite the fact that such cases in medical practice are extremely rare, doctors advise not to ignore them. It is necessary to score the alarm if the pain in the leg is quite strong or not passes within two weeks. Also, doctors remind that special attention should be paid to diabetics.

Earlier, the Russian-on-headed-incologist Alexander Loginova said that a long and exhausting cough could be a sign of lung cancer. According to her, often at the very beginning of the disease, dry cough practically does not bring discomfort. However, in progression of the disease, it can become parotid, supervised and muted. This is due to the hypereactivity of the lungs, and also speaks of damage to their structure.

/Media reports.