In US, they declared West in trap because of Russia

Observer of the American edition National Interest Nicolas Rvozhev told about the trap in which the West came from behind Russia.

According to him, one of the characteristic features of the US president’s foreign policy Joe Bayden is the desire to form a coalition against the giving power of China. Gvozdev noted that contacts with Russia are currently being considered precisely in this venerable.

The author of the article believes that measures like the weakening of sanctions against the North Stream-2 gas pipeline are made by the United States in order to finally do not push Moscow toward Beijing. The nails explained that these actions fit into the worldview in which Russia submits for the United States a much smaller threat than China.

“However, the steps to prevent the convergence of Russia and China lead to what they strengthen Moscow. This creates additional problems for some NATO members on the Eastern European flank,” the author said.

Columnist added, the discrepancy between NATO countries will not provoke its decay, and make the military unit change. In his opinion, that countries included in the alliance will begin to enter into less large-scale situational unions.

/Media reports.