Scientists declared alzheimer protecting

A group of American and Indian scientists conducted a study and found out that the natural compound of Fenhol, which is contained in the Basilica’s leaves, can help protect the brain from Alzheimer’s disease. Results are published on the SCience Daily portal.

The article specifies that phenchol is able to reduce the level of neurotoxicity of the brain. The researchers emphasized that the therapeutic effect of spicy grass is due to the mechanisms that affect the intestinal microbi.

Specialists studied interaction at the molecular level between the brain and intestines. Scientists tried to determine how it could affect brain health and a decrease in cognitive abilities.

After analyzing 144 thousand natural compounds, researchers have found that Fenhol, a compound of plant origin, which gives the basil to its fragrant smell, is best stimulated by a certain receptor. This in turn prevents the accumulation of toxic beta-amyloid compounds in the brain.

Previously, researchers from the UK have developed a new method of passive measurement of cerebral activity, which allows you to identify Alzheimer’s disease in the earliest stages. During developed by scientists from Batsky, Bristol and Kent universities, Fastball test, people with a rigging encephalographic helmet show quickly changing images. At this time, they measure brainwaves. While the pictures are gradually changing, experts on the change in electroencephalograms detect whether a person remembered change.

/Media reports.