Justin Bieber to trade marijuana

Canadian pop artist Justin Bieber began to cooperate with the American company Palms selling self-grata with marijuana. Bloomberg reports that his product singer decided to name Peaches in honor of one of the songs from the last album.

“I am a Palms fan and what they do for the availability and deestigmatization of cannabis – especially for a variety of people who consider him [cannabis] useful for their mental health,” Bieber admitted. Terms of cooperation are not disclosed.

Justin Bieper’s audience is a generation of millennium and zeoms, which account for about 40 percent of the cannabis market, according to the HQ Cannabis Brand Affinity report. It is planned that part of the profit from sales Palms will send the Veterans Walk and Talk veterans group, which advocates the medical use of marijuana, and the Non-commercial organization Last Prisoners Project, the purpose of which is the liberation of people convicted of marijuana storage. “They are both closely related to the Palms mission – to make cannabis affordable and popular,” – summarized the general director of the company Noa Anne.

In Russia, marijuana is recognized as a dangerous drug, its use and dissemination is prohibited by law. This material does not promote the sale and distribution of narcotic substances. “Lenta.ru” calls on avoiding drug use.

/Media reports.