In United States accused of crimes of two Afghan refugees

Two refugees escaped from Afghanistan, accused of crimes they committed after arriving at the US military base. This is reported in the release of the American Ministry of Justice.

It is reported that two men were delivered to the Fort Makka base in Wisconsin, where several thousand Afghan refugees are currently posted. The 20-year-old Bakhruulla Nuri is accused of sexual crimes against two juvenile girls under the age of 16. 32-year-old Mohammad Harun Imaad attacked his spouse and tried to strangle her.

At the moment, the two accused is contained in the Dane district prison. If the court recognizes men guilty, both are threatening long terms of the conclusion. Nuri for his crimes can get a life sentence, Imaada may threaten to ten years in prison.

In August 2021, German border guards revealed three Afghans previously deported from Germany, but returned after August 15 to ask for political asylum. It is reported that before that they were forbidden to enter Germany for drug traffic, rape and other crimes.

/Media reports.