State Duma responded to threat of revision of agreements on “Northern Flow-2”

The statements that the new German government can overestimate the agreements reached with Russia for the Northern Flow-2 Agreement have nothing more than a political game and blackmail. Such paths in politics rarely achieves success, the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council on International Affairs Vladimir Dzhabarov believes. Russian politician expressed his reaction to the statement of the German colleague in a conversation with “”

Earlier, a representative of the Federal Association of Economic Development and Foreign Trade FRG URS UKUUF said that it did not exclude the revision of agreements with Russia for the Northern Plow-2 in the event that the Government will change the balance of power. Thus, difficulties with the supply of natural gas may occur in case of victory in the elections of the Green Party. According to UNKAUF, the party does not have sufficient competence in Russia.

Agreements may change, even if supporters of ecology will not be at the head of the coalition, considers German politician. “Following the formation of a new government will follow the revision of the Energy Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany within the framework of the new green paradigm,” Unsaouf stressed.

This project is beneficial not only and not so much Russia

Vladimir Dzhabarov is convinced that even if “green” will enter the new government of Germany, soon they will come to the conclusion that the “Northern Stream-2” is no less necessary for Germany than for Russia. “I think that we have no reason for anxiety, because it is first of all you need to German consumer. We will find someone to sell gas if Germany refuses, but the Germans will not have so many other options for a stable bust of blue fuel,” Politician.

He called such statements to political game and blackmail, which will not lead to the result. “It’s seriously not worth it. This project is beneficial not only and not so much of Russia,” Jabarov spoke.

Previously, the non-profit organization on the protection of the environment Deutsche Umwellfe (DUH) sent a request to the Federal Office for Shipping and Hydrography of Germany demanding to estimate the influence of the “Northern Flow-2” on the environment and revised the permissions issued earlier. Environmentalists promised to continue the search for legitimate methods to prevent the launch of the largest project in Europe.

Parliamentary elections in Germany will be held on September 26, 2021. Favorites According to their results, the deputies of the Bundestag of the 20th convocation will avail a new federal chancellor.

/Media reports.