Scientists warned about dangerous consequence of COVID-19

Scientists warned that the organs of people who had to take COVID-19 can “grow old” for decades. This is reported by the New York Times.

89 thousand people who were passing COVID-19 took part in the study, as well as 1.6 million people who were not exposed to coronavirus infection.

It is noted that in healthy adults of 30-40 years of age, the loss of kidney function is about one percent per year. Serious infections can lead to a stronger or even irreversible damage of this organ, or to a chronic disease.

According to one of the authors of the study of Dr. Ziode Al-Ali, 4757 people who have undergone the disease occurred a 30 percent loss of kidney function for one year. “This is equivalent to the aging of the body for 30 years,” he noted.

It is not known why the kidneys suffer greatly due to coronavirus infection. According to scientists, this body may be particularly sensitive to various inflammatory processes in the body, or by activating the immune system. Also, the violation of the kidney function can cause problems with blood coagulation.

/Media reports.