Vaccination with Pfizer and Moderna preparations does not bear serious health effects. Researchers from the United States, whose article was published in The Journal of The American Medical Association.
Scientists in the framework of the program of the Centers for the Control and Prevention of US Diseases Vaccine Safety Datalink analyzed the data on the health of 12 million patients from mid-December 2020 to 26 June 2021. During the analysis, the state of 6.2 million people was compared for three weeks after the first dose and the health of 5.7 million for three – six weeks after the second.
Specialists assessed the presence of 23 health consequences that are concerned about the medical community – the symptoms of coronavirus, the effects found during the clinical tests of vaccines and so on. Among them were diseases of the nervous system (encephalitis, myelitis and hyena-barre syndrome), cardiovascular problems (acute myocardial infarction, stroke and pulmonary embolism), Bella Paralysis, appendicitis and anaphylaxis.
Then with the help of statistical analysis, the researchers have evaluated reached the number of cases of a particular symptom of a certain threshold – “signal”. None of the consequences reached it. At the same time, researchers noted the increase after the vaccination of myocarditis and pericarditis among young people. Among the evacuated patients with age from 12 to 39 years old, a million doses appeared 6.3 additional cases of myocarditis.