Reason for hospitalization of President of Czech Republic revealed

The President of the Czech Republic Milosh Zemren was hospitalized due to dehydration and easy depletion. This was stated by his spokesman Jiri Shephek, reports TASS.

According to him, medical examinations did not establish the presence of diseases or some other problems that would create a threat to the life of the head of state. “The President of the Republic, as the doctors established, suffers from dehydration and light fatigue,” concluded shepherd.

On the emergency hospitalization of the Czech leader in the Central Military University Hospital in Prague, it became known on Tuesday, September 14. At 76-year-old land diabetes diabetes and neuropathy of the legs, because of which he was forced to move in a wheelchair. Some sources claim that the head of state takes place in the hospital Preventive examination.

On August 26 last year, Milos Zeman fell into the hospital because of his hand fracture. He was injured independently rising from the chair and stumbled upon. “President in the evening [Tuesday] watched television. Having finished viewing, he decided to get up from the chair without the help of canes or bodyguards,” said sheepskin.

/Media reports.