Taliban will be removed from university program that contradicts Shariat items

Taliban (a terrorist organization forbidden in Russia) intends to remove the subjects from the curriculum of universities that contradict the laws of Sharia. It is reported by TV channel Tolo News.

“Every item that contradicts the laws of Islam will be excluded,” said Avective Minister of Higher Education by Afghanistan Abdul Baki Khakkani. He did not specify from which disciplines the grouping wants to refuse.

Also, the Taliban promised to launch an educational program that allows Afghan students to undergo learning abroad.

Previously, Hakkany spoke about new rules for women in universities. Afghan female students will be obliged to wear Islamic clothes and trained in individuals from men groups for the protection of national and historical values. ” The Ministry of Education said that the Taliban will not return to the radical orders of 20 years ago, but will follow the respect of religious standards in the country.

/Media reports.