Movie Movement “Taliban” (forbidden in Russia) blew up the statue, erected in honor of the field commander Abdulus Ali Mazar, the enemy of the group who fought with the Taliban in the 90s. This is reported by Associated Press.
Monument to the field commander was located in the province of Bamian. This Afghan region gained fame in 2001, when the Taliban destroyed the Buddha statues, which reached almost 1500 years. Then extremists substantiated their acts by the fact that, in their opinion, the statues of the statues violated the Islamic prohibition of idolatry.
Many Afghans perceived the destruction of the monument, built in honor of the long-dead enemy “Taliban” as the “alarming call”, indicating that the assurances of the Taliban that “the past is the past,” may be a lie, writes agency.
Mazar was an ethnic Hazara (Shia Afghan descendants of Mongol conquerors -. Comment “”), in the 80 years he fought against the Soviet army after the war, advocated the construction of a federal Afghanistan, in which the rights of all ethnic and Religious minorities would be protected. In 1996, the field commander got to the Taliban captured, where he was killed.
Taliba seized Afghanistan on August 15, when almost without battle was able to take the capital of Kabul. The government and much of the highest power apparatus fled from the country. The Taliban assured the international community that they moved away from past radical views and intend to support peaceful and constructive relations with all interested parties.