Germany: a woman was killed “for honor”

In Germany, two men killed the sister who escaped from Afghanistan, writing “news”.

The corpse of a 34-year-old mother of two children was found in the Bavarian city of Neubor-on-Duna. According to investigators, a young girl missing in mid-July, her brothers 22 and 25 years old were killed. The guilt of relatives say footage with video cameras and witness testimony. The police believe that on July 13, in Berlin Afghan, hit the head and neck, from which she died. The criminals shoved the body into a suitcase and transported the train to another part of the country. The elder brother of the girl has a house there, not far from which buried the corpse.

In law enforcement agencies, explained that in 2013, a woman along with relatives fled to Germany from Taliban. She alone brought up a 13-year-old son and a nine-year-old daughter. From her husband, Afghana left in 2017, but he refused to annul the marriage on Islamic canons. The fact that the sister lives separately from her husband, the brothers found out only two years after its divorce. They began to control each step, demanded that she wore a handkerchief. Later, the girl met the Iranian who offered her to marry her. But the brothers decided to get rid of the relative because of the fact that “her lifestyle did not correspond to their moral ideas,” and she allegedly disgraced his family. ” Now both suspects are detained.

As noted in the Berlin prosecutor’s office, the investigation is on suspicion of the so-called “honor killing.” “This term is used if the girl or woman kills her relatives, because, according to their ideas, she disgraced the family, wringing her honor,” stressed in the department.

Earlier in the suburbs, a man killed his sister due to the fact that she often changed partners. The sister did not correspond to his ideas about the “decent” woman.

/Media reports.