Sber presented at PMEF research on consumer sentiments of Russians

Sber in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum presented a study reflecting current moods and consumer preferences in five rapidly growing industries: Fintehe, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Health and devices. This is stated in the message of the Solution.

The study showed that the pandemic and revenue decline spurred the interest of consumers around the world to control costs and managing finance. In Russia, only 21 respondents use costs of cost optimization services, 26 percent had the experience of such services in the past. At the time, only 44 percent of respondents stated that they have sufficient financial literacy and can effectively dispose of their money, and 80 percent of respondents noted that they were trying to teach their children.

Large frequently surveyed – 70 percent – they said that all either most of the banking services online.

Online retailers and marketers are the main beneficiaries of the pandemic. In Russia, only 24 percent of consumers are ready to buy clothing online, 37 percent is still needed personal communication in the store. In addition, 20 percent of online buyers The most convenient shopping channel was called the site, 24 percent prefer a mobile application. Messengers are still unpopular from shopping lovers – only 2 percent of Russians use social networks and 3 percent – messengers.

As the study showed, the pandemic changed the entertainment industry – the games turned into new social networks. Inside games, brands are promoted, stars protrude, events are held. More than half (55 percent) gamers play games to communicate with friends.

The potential for the development of the game direction, according to the authors of the study, in Russia is high: 48 percent of Russians play video games, 72 percent say that they play personally or plays someone from family members. Also, 43 percent of Russians use entertainment services (social networks, video songs and other), and 67 percent use the social networks each or almost every day.

According to the Sberbrass, in Russia, the share of users who use gadgets to monitor health indicators is 15-20 percent, while 73 percent of respondents said that they positively perceive the idea of ​​tracking their emotional state. Fitness gadgets in Russia enjoys 52 percent of people: they are the most popular functions of intelligent hours (23 percent), fitness tracker (18 percent), smart scales (15 percent, apps for fitness training (14 percent) and calorie consumption tracking (12 percent). Only 17 percent of Russians are popular in a pandemic of online training, consider a worthy alternative to the gym.

/Media reports.