G7 Summit said calm due to lack of proposals to return Russia

Summit of the “Big Seven” (G7) under the US President Joe Bidena can be called more calm than it was with the ex-leader Donald Trump. Reports about it Reuters with reference to the source familiar with the course of discussion.

According to him, when the G7 meeting, the G7 countries were similar to chaos. Biden, on the contrary, supported an honest and calm discussion.

“Previously, we were all the time on the cut in the abyss, we simply tried to keep the” big seven “safely. Now you don’t need to worry about it,” the source added Reuters. He explained that one of the main problems was the need to say that Russia cannot return to the association.

Trump really insisted on this: in the summer of 2020 he confirmed that he would like to see Russia at the following meetings G7. Ex-president assured that it requires common sense, since half of the issues discussed at summits concerns Moscow.

/Media reports.