Lavrov declared a “self-esteem” from Russia

Head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergey Lavrov said that Russia will not respond to morals and ultimatum concerning the upcoming elections. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

“Russia … There is a sense of self. Ready for an equal dialogue, but we are not going to tolerate any morals and ultimatums and we will not respond to them,” Lavrov said.

The Minister added that Russia will never answer the rudeness to rudeness, even when she is presented. “For rather unfriendly statements of this kind, we never break into rudeness,” the diplomat noted.

previously became aware of the terms of the negotiations between the Lavrov and the head of the British Mother Dominique Raab. Raab said that the meeting will be held “in the near future.” The representative of the Russian department Maria Zakharov clarified that the ministers would spend a conversation on the phone next week.

/Media reports.