A way to recognize cancer vote

British doctor Jean-Pierre Zhinnon called a way to recognize a cancer in voice. Reports about it Express.

According to the physician, an inexplicable hoarse can indicate on the thyroid cancer. He stressed that such a state cannot be ignored. “If it remains and does not pass in three weeks, contact your doctor for help,” the doctor said. At the same time, Zhinnon noted that the usual bacterial infection can also be given to hoarse.

also the doctor urged to pay attention to such symptoms as the appearance of a bump near the larynx, swollen lymph nodes on the neck, difficulties in swallowing, difficult or hoarse breathing. Each of them may indicate a thyroid cancer, Zhinnon warned.

Earlier, the doctor and TV presenter Alexander Butchestnikov said that difficulties with swallowing food and liquids may indicate an oncological disease of the esophagus. However, according to the doctor, some difficulties in taking solid food are not associated with cancer, but with mechanical passage of food through the esophagus.

/Media reports.