Google recognized as an unsuccessful experiment with display only domain in address bar Chrome

Google recognized an unsuccessful idea with disconnecting the display of way elements and request parameters In the address bar and deleted the Chrome code from the code base with the implementation of this feature. Recall that a year ago, an experimental mode was added to Chrome, in which only the domain of the site remained, and the full URL can be seen only after clicking on the address bar.

The specified possibility did not go beyond the experiment and limited to test inclusions for a small percentage of users. Analysis of tests has shown that assumptions about the possible increase in the efficiency of protection against phishing in the case of hiding the elements of the path are not justified, only confusing and cause Negative reaction users.

was originally assumed. That the change will protect users from phishing. The attackers enjoy the inattention of users to create the visibility of opening another site and commit fraudulent actions, so leaving only the main domain would not allow you to mislead users with manipulations with parameters in the URL.

The ideas for changing the URL showing in the address bar Google promotes since 2018, motivating its actions by the fact that it is difficult to understand the URL to normal users, it is difficult to read and on it immediately it is not clear which of the parts of the address are trustworthy. Starting with the Chrome 76, the address string was translated by default to display links without “https: //”, “http: //” and “www.”, After which the developers expressed the desire to cut and informative part of the URL, but after the year experiments refused This intention.

In the opinion of Google in the address bar, the user must clearly see with which site interacts and can it be trusted (a compromise version with a more explicit domain is not selected and for some reason the request parameters is not considered with a more light / small font). The confusion is also mentioned with the URL filling when working with interactive Web applications, such as Gmail. With the initial discussion of the initiative by some users there were expressed Assumption that getting rid of a complete URL is beneficial to promote the technology of Amp (Accelerated Mobile Pages).

Using AMP pages are given to the user not directly, but through the Google infrastructure, which results in the display in the address bar another domain ( and often causes user confusion. Care from the display of the URL will allow you to hide the Amp Cache domain and create the illusion of direct access to the main site. Such a hide is already produced in Chrome for Android, but does not apply on desktop systems. Hiding the URL can also be useful when distributing Web applications using the Signed HTTP Exchanges mechanism (SXG) intended for organizing the placement of verified copies of Web pages on other sites.

/Media reports.