Survived on marathon with dozens of killed in China described clock before salvation

The surviving member of the ultramaraphon with dozens of dead, who passed in the mountains of the Chinese province of Gansu, described the clock that he had to survive before salvation. His words on Sunday, May 23, gives the portal Tencent Sports.

According to a man named Syatao Zhang, even before the start of the competition in the area of ​​their holding was pretty windy – many participants even broke off headdresses with the gusts of the wind. At the same time, the first 20 kilometers of the distance athlete managed to pass without special difficulties. Then the weather began to deteriorate sharply: the wind intensified, it rained, and then hail.

Due to sophisticated weather conditions, a man practically could not see the road, but he tried to continue the way, but he became more difficult to control his movements: his limbs began to be moored because of the cold. Zhang fell at least ten times. At some point, he realized that he could no longer climb, wrapped in an insulating blanket, which should have been with him from each member of the marathon, and lost consciousness.

After about two from half an hour, a man found passed by the shepherd. He dragged the athlete to the shelter, where several other members of the marathon were already located, removed wet clothes from him and spread the fire. Zhang came to himself only in an hour. After some time, he, together with other participants, managed to come down from the mountain.

previously became known that the number of those who died during the Chinese ultramaraffone increased to 21 people. Among the victims of the element was the national recordsman Liang Jing.

Rangered mountainous terrain by 100 kilometers began in the morning on Saturday, May 22, near the city of Bayin in Gansu Province. During the competition in the area, the weather has changed dramatically: a hurricane wind has risen, degrees and cold rain fell to the participants. The temperature dropped to zero degrees. As a result, the race had to be stopped, out of 172 participants 151 managed to immediately evacuate.

/Media reports.